Your donations to the LSMSA Foundation are safe, confidential transactions between you and the Foundation.  Below is an excerpt from the LSMSA Foundation's Mission and Values Statement.

Responsibility to Donors

When discussing gift opportunities, we consider the donor's best financial interest, including capacity to give, taxes, cash flow and estate planning.  We disclose fully how donors' funds are invested and how they are used, maintaining an accurate, truthful record of restricted donations.  We regard gifts as confidential transactions between the donor and the Foundation.  We respect the privacy of donors and prospects, including requests for anonymity and treat with great care any potentially sensitive information.  We maintain these confidences, not only while employed by the LSMSA Foundation, but also after we have left the employment of the Foundation.
If you would like to see the full Statement of the Foundation's Mission and Values, contact Michele Robinson, Executive Director, LSMSA Foundation at

Why I Give

To ensure that others have a chance at the same transformative education that I was lucky enough to receive at LSMSA.

~Christopher Coco ('94)
LSMSA brought out the best in my two daughters who graduated in 2010 and 2013; they are better people because of the opportunities they had at LSMSA, and for this we will always be grateful.

~ Chris Robichaux
(Parent of two LSMSA graduates)

Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts

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