2024 Alumni Challenge Results: Classes of ’89, ’94, and ’87 Lead in Gifts to LSMSA

The results of the LSMSA Foundation’s annual Alumni Challenge are in for FY ’23-’24!

The Alumni Challenge tracks donations received by the Foundation from LSMSA alumni, sorted by graduating class, over the course of each fiscal year. The total amount raised by the LSMSA Foundation in FY ’23-’24 from all alumni was more than $383,000, surpassing the FY ’22-’23 total by more than $77,000.
The Class of ’89 gave more than any other graduating class, and finished the year having donated a grand total of $57,311. The Class of '94 had an incredible year, increasing their participation rate by a whopping 20%—from only 8% to 28%—and ending the year in second place overall with $33,280 raised. Speaking of class participation, the Class of '92 had the highest participation rate of FY '23-24 with 36% of all members of the Class of '92 making a donation. The LSMSA Foundation would like to extend a special congratulations to the Class of 1992 for their remarkable last-minute effort.
LSMSA alumni who graduated in the last 10 years make up a special category of donor called G.O.L.D. Donors. G.O.L.D. stands for "Graduates of the Last Decade," and alumni in that growing donor category made a significant impact in FY '23-'24. The Class of '24 raised $172 and achieved a 26% participation rate, while the overall leader among G.O.L.D. Donors being the Class of '18, who raised $2,555.
The LSMSA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the mission to develop and manage resources that enhance the work of LSMSA. Donations to the LSMSA Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Learn more about the LSMSA Foundation, make a gift, or join the mailing list at LSMSA.edu.      


Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts

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