IMPORTANT UPDATE from Dr. Horton re. Tropical Storm Ida

As weather experts continue to narrow predictions for the upcoming storm that's projected to hit Louisiana, I am confident that it is in the best interest of all our faculty, staff, students, and their families to dismiss classes beginning tomorrow (Friday) at noon. Classes will be canceled during this time (no physical or virtual classes).
Unless something were to change for the worst, we will remain closed through Tuesday, August 31.   However, the Living/Learning Commons will reopen to students on Tuesday at 3 p.m., and classes will resume on Wednesday at 8:30 a.m.
Parents may begin picking up children at any time.  Just make sure that students notify their SLA/RA that they are checking out prior to Friday at noon.  Also, make sure students notify their teachers if you plan to take them earlier.

Students will need to be picked up by SATURDAY BY 10 AM.  Dinner will be served for those who are here at the evening mealtime on Friday, and a light breakfast will be served Saturday morning for those who are still on campus.

Please have students pack as if they plan to be home for the week.  That way they take everything they need, including ALL their textbooks.  

We recognize that circumstances are still very uncertain and coming to campus may not have been in plans for this week. While Natchitoches is generally only minimally impacted by these storms, we were without power for over a week last year and do want to risk facing a similar situation with nearly 300 students on campus in a residence hall without power in this heat. It's better to get our students back home and to their families in advance of a storm that is projected to impact Natchitoches. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's SLA/RA.


Executive Director
Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts

Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts

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