Retirement Celebration Honoring Dr. Al Benner, Jackie Jacoby, Joycelyn Miller, and Nurse Mary Teekell

CPT - Center for Performance & Technology - Recital Hall - T104
Contact: Chris Jay
LSMSA will host a public retirement ceremony at 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 9 honoring Dr. Al Benner, Jackie Jacoby, Joycelyn Miller, and Nurse Mary Teekell. The reception will be held in the Center for Performance and Technology (CPT), beginning with remarks in the Recital Hall and concluding with refreshments in the lobby. Friends and family members of our retirees are invited to take part.
The CPT is located on the west side of the LSMSA High School Building. Plenty of free parking is available nearby.

Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts

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