LSMSA's Dr. Art Williams to Speak at 40th Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 18 at Prather Coliseum

The Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts (LSMSA) will honor its 40th graduating class during its annual Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 18 at 2 p.m. at Northwestern State University’s Prather Coliseum in Natchitoches.
As the school celebrates its own 40th anniversary, it is appropriate that Dr. Art Williams is set to address students during the event. Dr. Art Williams and his wife, Dr. Sharon Williams, were recipients of the LSMSA Foundation's Wingspan Award for Dedication, an award created to recognize the dedication of individuals and organizations who demonstrate meaningful support for LSMSA through financial means, volunteer time, advocacy, and other avenues of engagement considered "above and beyond" the norm.
"Dr. Art and Sharon Williams have consistently gone above and beyond in their support of the Louisiana School," said LSMSA Executive Director Dr. Steve Horton. "His unwavering belief in our mission and his extraordinary contributions have had a profound impact on our school community."
A native of Charleston, South Carolina, Dr. Arthur Williams graduated with a doctorate in English with specialization in Restoration and 18th Century English Literature from Emory University.
'Dr. Art,' as he is known by students, colleagues, and friends, began working at LSMSA in 1984 and served in many roles including Chair of the Humanities Department, faculty representative to the Board of Directors, Executive Director (1990-1994), and Senior Lecturer in Humanities.

As Executive Director, he led LSMSA through some of its darkest budget times. He founded SLAMT, the sports weekend where LSMSA competes against its sister schools, and opened the new gym. He also served as faculty sponsor to the student newspaper, The Renaissance.
Dr. Art retired after 32 years of service to LSMSA. In 2017, he was bestowed the honor of Executive Director Emeritus at LSMSA, and he continues to offer classes in a limited capacity.
"We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Art as our keynote speaker for this year's graduation ceremony,” said Dr. Horton. “He has always been a beloved member of the Eagle family. His dedication to the community serves as an inspiration to our graduating class.”
LSMSA officials are honored to have him as the guest speaker for the event.
“We look forward to his words of wisdom and encouragement as we celebrate the accomplishments of the extraordinary Class of 2024,” said Dr. Horton.
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Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts

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